Sayyid Dynasty

Delhi 12th to 15th Century II - Concepts
Class - 7th Foundation NTSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Sayyid Dynasty

The Sayyid Dynasty was the fourth dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, with four rulers ruling from 1414 to 1451. Founded by Khizr Khan a former governor of Multan, they succeeded the Tughlaq dynasty and ruled the sultanate until they were displaced by the Lodi dynasty.

Khizr Khan:The first Sayyid ruler of Delhi was Khizr Khan (reigned 1414–21), who had been governor of the Punjab. He and his three successors occupied themselves in raids to collect revenue, barely maintaining themselves against the SharqÄ« sultans to the east and the Khokars to the northwest.

Rulers of India’s Delhi Sultanate (1414–51) as successors of the Tughluq dynasty until displaced by the Afghan LodÄ«s. This family claimed to be sayyids, or descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. The central authority of the Delhi sultanate had been fatally weakened by the invasion of the Turkic conqueror Timur (Tamerlane) and his capture of Delhi  in 1398. For the next 50 years, north India was virtually divided between a number of military chiefs, the strongest of whom were the SharqÄ« sultans of Jaunpur.

Khizr’s successor, Mubārak Shah, had some success, but, after the latter’s assassination in 1434, his two successors, Muhmmad Shah and Ê¿Ä€lam Shah, proved incapable. Ê¿Ä€lam Shah abandoned Delhi for Badaun in 1448, and three years later BahlÅ«l LodÄ«, already ruler of the Punjab, seized Delhi and inaugurated the Lodi  the last dynasty of the Delhi sultanate.


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